Editor Toolbar

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Editor Toolbar. Each editor has its own toolbar that makes it easy to perform common operations.




Here is a description of each button from left to right:


1. Open. Displays a standard Windows File Open dialog box, which lets you open any XPL program file in the editor.


2. Save. This option saves the contents of the file currently in the editor. If the file already exists and already has a name, the file will be saved under that name. If the file has not been saved before and does not have a name, the program will revert to the behavior described under the Save As option described below.


3. Save As. Displays a standard Windows Save dialog, which lets you save the contents of the editor under any name and in any directory.


4. Cut. This option deletes any highlighted text in the editor and copies the deleted text to the Windows Clipboard.


5. Copy. This option copies any highlighted text in the editor to the Windows Clipboard.


6. Paste. This option inserts any text that has been captured in the Windows Clipboard to the current cursor position. If any text is highlighted, the highlighted text is deleted and replaced with the Clipboard text.


7. Search Buttons. These buttons take the highlighted text or the whole word nearest to the cursor and search for it in the editor. If the left-hand button is pressed, the search proceeds backward in the editor to the next occurrence of the selected string. If the right-hand button is pressed, the search proceeds forward in the editor to the next occurrence of the selected string.