Status Display

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The status of CaveX is displayed on at bar at the bottom of the screen. Here is detailed explaination of the each field:




1. Position. This item displays the position of the object in three-dimensional space. There are three sub-items:


a. X-Position. The first number displays the x-position of the object. This is the position in the left-right direction. Moving the object left, decreases the value and moving the object right increase the value. In the case where the object is a cave, the x-position corresponds to the East and West directions.


b. Y-Position. The second number displays the y-position of the object. This is the position in the up and down direction. Moving the object up increase the value and moving the object down decreases the value.


c. Z-Position. The third number displays the z-position of the object. This is the position moving in and out of the screen. Moving the object away from screen increases the value and moving the object toward the screen decreases the value.


2. Rotations. This item displays the rotations of the object. The rotations are specified as Yaw, Pitch and Roll. Yaw is the rotation around the vertical axis. Pitch, the tilt forward and backward around the left-right axis. Roll is the rotation around an axis that runs in and out of the screen toward the eye of the viewer.


3. Triangles. This is the number of triangles that are used to create the mesh of the object. Triangles are the fundament unit of the mesh. (Even when a mesh has rectangular faces, they are actually constructed from pairs of triangles.) The more triangles in an object, the longer it will take the computer to display the image.


4. Triangles Per Second. This is the number of triangles per second the program is currently displaying. A fast graphic card can display several million triangles per second.


5. Frames Per Second. This is the number of frames per second the program is displaying.

It is a measure of the speed of your computer and your video card. For smooth animations, you need 20 to 30 frames per second. However, frame rates of one or two frames per second is still useful for viewing a cave.


The frame rate is effected by the speed of your computer, your video card and the amount of memory available. It is also effected by the object that is being displayed. Objects with more triangles take longer to display.  Also, enabling features like texturing, and shading slows the frame rate. Finally, the frame rate is effected by the video mode you are using. On some older video cards, using high color modes tends to slow the frame rate.