Editing Movie Frames.

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Once you have captured some movie frames, you can edit the movie to correct any problems.


The Movie Frame Contol. The Movie Frame Control allows you to select individual frames for editing. The number in the center shows the current frame number. If no number is displayed, no frames have been captured. Pressing the left and right arrows move you backward and forward through the frames. The Left and Right arrows with Bars allow you to move to the beginning or end of the movie.


In this way, you can step through the whole movie one frame at a time and the select a frame for editing. As you step through the movie frames, the display will change, showing the image that is associated with the current frame.


Editing Operations. Once you have selected a frame you wish to edit, you can perform three different operations on the frame:


1. Overwrite. The Overwrite Button causes the current cave plot to overwrite the selected frame. This allows you to replace any existing frame with a new image. Note: when you are playing movies, the current cave plot is no longer visible. Before you overwrite a frame, click the Redraw Button to view the cave image that will overwrite the existing frame.


2. Insert. The Insert Button causes the program to insert the current cave plot in the frame just before the current frame. This allows you to insert additional images anywhere in the movie without overwriting any existing image.


3. Delete. The Delete Button deletes the currently selected frame. This allows you to remove one or more frames from your movie.