Copying Surveys Between Files

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The Source List allows you to load a second file and copy selected surveys from this file into the Destination List. There are several ways to copy surveys between files.


Selecting Files. Before you can copy surveys, you must select the surveys you want to move. Clicking on individual surveys highlights that survey and removes the highlight from all other surveys. If you want to select more than one survey, hold down the Control-Key while you are clicking. Each time you click on a new survey, it will be selected and previous surveys will remain selected. Finally, if you hold down the Shift-Key and click in two place in the list, all the intervening surveys will be highlighted.


The Copy Button. Once you have selected one or more surveys in the Source List, you can copy the surveys to the Destination List by clicking on the "Copy" button that appears between the lists. This will copy all the highlighted surveys for the Source List and place at the highlight in the destination list.


Dragging. Once you have selected one or more surveys in the Source List, you can drag them to a location in the Destination list. Just click on one of the selected surveys and then, while keeping the mouse button pressed, move the cursor to a new location in the Destination list. This drags the surveys to the new location. Finally, release the mouse button. This drops the surveys at that location, effectively copying them.


Copy/Paste. Once you have selected one or more surveys, you can press the "Copy" button to the left of the list. This will copy the surveys to the clipboard . You can then select a location in the Destination list by clicking on a survey. Finally, you can press the "Paste" button to the left of Destination list to insert the surveys at the selected location.


Note: The Source List does not have a "Cut" option and only has the "Copy" option because you are not allowed to modify the Source List. Also note that the surveys are copied to an "internal" clipboard and not copied to the actual Windows clipboard.