Yearly Statistics

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The "Yearly Statistics" shows yearly totals of various measures of surveying activity. This includes number of shots, the number of surveys, and the total length of the surveys for a specific year. Years during which no surveys were performed will be missing. Here is an example:


Yearly Data:


Index  Year   Surveys       Shots        Length


0      1968         3          99     2148.0 ft

1      1969        14         181     5178.7 ft

2      1970        29         361     9112.4 ft

3      1971        10          76     1822.8 ft

4      1972         8          85     1812.0 ft

5      1973        13         189     3882.3 ft

6      1976         6          94     1552.9 ft

7      1977         7         113     1761.8 ft

8      1978         5          88     1682.7 ft

9      1979        11         162     2962.3 ft

10     1980         1          10      178.9 ft