Sources. The sources
for EXPL-32 are available here:
1. EXP-32 Project Sources.
2. Fountainware
Libraries and Objects.
Compiling EXPL32. EXPL-32 is written in Delphi,
Version 6 Professional. It is uses an extensive set of Delphi libraries
and objects that have developed for by Fountain Computer
for various applications. These consist of more 70 Visual Objects and
more than 100 library files. In addition, there are several non-Fountain
Computer libraries that are used by the Fountain Objects and Libraries
and they must be present before they will compile. Here are the steps
necessary before the program will compile:
1. Delphi-6 Professional. EXPL32 was written
using Delphi-6 Professional. It is highly advisable that you
use Delphi-6 for EXPL-32. I have tested the sources,
libraries and objects under later versions of Delphi and minor
modifications are required to make it work. Unfortunately, I don't have
the time to package or maintain the sources for later versions of
Delphi. If you have experience with Delphi, Delphi Components and the
Delphi VCL, you should be able to make it work under later versions, but
I cannot provide any support for the process.
If you don't have access to Delph-6, Delphi 7 might be
an option. Delphi-7 is very similar to Delphi-6 and is distributed as a
bonus on versions like XE4.
Click here is a link to information about getting Delphi-7.
2. Installing Libraries and Objects. The
Libraries and Objects zip file contains two directories: "FountainLib"
and "FountainObjects." These directories should be copied to the working
directory for Delphi. The location varies depending on the version of
Delphi you are using and the version of Windows you have on your
computer. Under Windows XP and early versions of Delphi, the working
directory will usually be in "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi 6."
3. Setup Delphi Paths. In order for Delphi to
compile the program, it needs to be able to find the FountainLib and
FountainObjects files. You do this by adding the "paths" to these
folders the "Library Path" in Delphi. In Delphi 6, you can add items to
the Library Path by selecting "Tools->Environmental Options" from the
Menu Bar. Next, select the "Library" tab. Finally, press the button with
the three dots [...] next to the right of the Library Path box and
follow the Help instructions. You should browse for and add the
following paths:
4. Add Objects to Component Palette. In order
for Delphi to compile the program, you also need to have a number of
Fountain Components on the Component Palette. You do this by selecting
the "Component->Install Component" option from the menu bar. Now press
the "Browse" button next to the "Unit FIlename" box and the Pascal
Files listed below. You can select multiple files by holding down the
Control Key and click on the files you want.
Autobttn.pas, ChmHelper.pas, BitCursor.pas,
CheckBoxExt.pas, CheckedGroup.pas, CodeEditor.pas, CmdLine.pas,
Colorbar.pas, CommPort.pas, Compass.pas, ConsoleWindow.pas,
ContextMenu.pas, ImageUndoer.pas, DottedBox.pas, DropController.pas,
FrameCount.pas, FXCombo.pas, GLViewer.pas, GPSReader2.pas, GPSReader.pas,
Graphbox.pas, ImageEx.pas, ImageList.pas, Progmon.pas, LinkLabel.pas,
Magnifier.pas, NTPClient.pas, Onoffbox.pas, PaintBoxEx.pas, paintpan.pas,
Plotwind.pas, POSGRID.PAS, PrecisionClock.pas, PrintPreview.pas,
Registrar.pas, RegistrarReg.pas, subtimer.pas, Reopen.pas, Scrllwnd.pas,
ScrollBarWindow.pas, ScrollEditor.pas, SelectBox.pas, SIZEADJUST.PAS,
SIZLIMIT.PAS, Spectrogram.pas, ZipperLib.pas, TreeViewEx.pas,
Trkruler.pas, VectorSpin.pas, Waveread.pas, XEDCNTRL.PAS, XedScrn.pas,
xopendlg.pas, XSCROLL.PAS, SpinButtons.pas, EditSpin.pas, Realspin.pas,
intspin.pas, Quadspin.pas, Datespin.pas, Degspin.pas, FlexGrid.pas
When you've finished adding all the files, press OK
and the "Package" Tool will be displayed. Press the "Compile" button.
After it has finished compiling, there should be a new section on your
Component Palette called "Fountain."
5. Finishing Up. Unzip and copy the EXPL32
source files to a folder in your Delphi work directory. Now open project
file You now should open the EXPL32 project "EXPL32.dpr" in Delphi and
compile the project.
6. Some Additional Notes.
a. Help Files. The Help files for this
project are written in "Help and Manual" which is available
b. Stub File. To generate a stand-alone XPL
programs EXPL32 uses a precompiled EXE program into which the I2L
code is injected. This precompiled programs is called the EXE Stub
and it is a separate program that is found in the "ExeStub"
directory. If you make any changes to the EXPL, you must recompile
this program and make sure there is a copy in the same directory as
the EXPL32.exe.