The Status Line

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The Status Line displays information about the state of the editor. There are 11 fields:


1. Status Field. This field displays the status of recent commands and any error information. If there is no error then “Ok” will normally be displayed.


2. Command Line Number. This field displays the number of the selected command line (0-31).


3. Scoop Enabled. This item indicates if the Scoop Register is active.


4. Scoop Free Space. This field displays the number of unused characters available in the scoop. The scoop is a temporary holding place. It is used to scoop up text and move it to another location. It is similar to what other editors call a clipboard that is used for cut, copy and paste operations.


5. Search Case. This field indicates whether search commands are case sensitive. If “S#s” is displayed, searches are case sensitive. If “S=s” is displayed, upper and lower case characters are treated as the same. You can change the case sensitivity by clicking on it or by typing Ctrl+].


6. Search Direction. This field indicates the direction of searches. If a right arrow appears, searches move forward from the cursor. If a left arrow appears, searches move backward. You can change the search direction by clicking on it or by typing Ctrl+_.


7. Insert/Overwrite Mode. Indicates whether typing is inserted by shifting existing text out of the way or whether the existing text is overwritten. The editor is normally used in insert mode. When in insert mode, “Ins” appears. When in overwrite mode, “Ovr” appears and the color changes to yellow. You change this mode by hitting the Insert key.


8. Ln. This field indicates the number of the line that the cursor is on.


9. Col. This field shows the cursor column position from the beginning of the line. The column number takes into account the effect of any tab characters. Note that the left-most column is column zero.


10. Modified. This item indicates if the text in the editor has been modified. The Modified Flag is cleared whenever the text is saved.


11. Char. This item shows the hexadecimal ASCII value of the character just before the cursor.