Light Color Page

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III. Color Page. The color page allows you to set the color and other properties of the light.


A. Diffuse. This control set the Red, Green and Blue (RGB) color of the Diffuse part of the light. This is part of the light that appears on non-shiny parts of the object.


B. Ambient. Each light can have an ambient light associated with it. Ambient light is light that come from all directions like the light that filters through clouds on a cloudy dya.

This control sets the RGB color of the ambient light. (This Ambient Light is different from the general ambient light for the whole scene.)


C. Specular. Light can reflect off certain parts of an object more than others. In the real world, this produces a shiny spot right at the peak of a rounded surface. This control sets the color of that shiny spot.


D. Attenuation. Light dims as it travels. This control allows you to set how much the light dims.


Constant. This option decreases the light a fixed amount, no matter how far the light travels. You can use

this to set the basic brightness of the light.


Linear. This option set the level of linear dimming the light has. If the number is zero, the light doesn't dim with distance. The larger the number the more dimming occurs with distance.


Quadratic. This option set the level of non-linear dimming the light has. Using this option causes the light to dim slowly at first then more rapidly. This is very similar to the way real light behaves. If the number is zero, the light doesn't dim with distance. The larger the number the more dimming occurs with distance.