Shot Item Page

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Page 6. Shot Items. This option allows you to manipulate items related to individual survey shots.


A. Shot Flags. The first option on the page allows you to set Flags for a block of surveys. In order for the item to be active, the Enable checkbox must be checked. To use the item, you simply enter the Flag values you wish to use in the edit box. You can only enter the letters "C", "X", "P", and "L", and you can only enter three characters. The program will modify the flags in three ways:


1. Insert. When the Insert option is selected, each letter is inserted into the survey flags unless it is already there.


2. Replace. This option simply deletes all the existing flags and replaces them with the new flag.


3. Remove. This option removes any flag-characters that match the letters you have typed in. For example, if you enter "X" and "C", those letters will be removed from the surveys you have selected.



B. LRUD Order. The third item on the page allows you to modify the order in which LRUDs appear in the file. This is useful when the LRUDs have been entered in the wrong positions. For example, if the Left and Right values were swapped when they were entered into the survey, you could correct the problem across a large number of surveys.  In order for the option to be active, the checkbox at the top of the section must be checked.


Reordering. The reorder process is controlled by grid of values that specifies the new order. The grid shows the normal order on the left and the source on the right. You can rearrange the values on the right by selecting an individual value and then clicking the Up and Down Arrows to move the item. Once you have reorder the items, the program will rearrange the LRUDs by copying the individual items on the right to the corresponding value to left. In other words, if the Up and Down values had been swapped when the data was entered, you should move the Up value in the right hand column so it is adjacent to the Down value in the left column. Likewise, you should move the down value in the right column so it is next to the Up value in the left column.


C. Move LRUDs. This option shifts the LRUDs between shots. This is useful when the LRUDs were entered at the From stations when they should have been associated with the To  station or vice versa. There are two options:


1. From to To. With this option, all the LRUDs are shifted one station forward so that the LRUD that was with the first shot will be me moved to the second shot and so on through the whole survey. In essence you are moving the LRUDs from the From station to the To Station. Since there is no place to move the LRUD associated with the last shot, a new shot is added at the end of the survey and the final LRUD is moved there. This new shot has zero length and the has the same From and To Station name as the To Station for the last shot.


2. To to From. With this option, all the LRUDs are shifted one station backward so that the LRUD that was with the last shot will be me moved to the next to the last shot and so on through the whole survey. In essence you are moving the LRUDs from the To station to the From Station. Since there is no place to move the LRUD associated with the First shot, a new shot is added at the beginning of the survey and the first LRUD is moved there. This new shot has zero length and the has the same From and To Station name as the To Station for the last shot.


Modifying The Data. When you have finished setting up the operations on all the pages that you want to carryout, simply press the OK button and the data will be modified. To abort the operation, press the Cancel button.