Searching For Loops

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You can locate individual loops in the Loop List using several different techniques. To search, select one of the options from the "Find What" radio buttons and then press the "Search" button.




Here is an explanation of each type of search:


1. Station. This option searches for a loop that contains the station specified in the "From Station" box. This search can be repeated so it will find multiple loops that contain the specified station.


2. Shot. This option searches for a loop that contains the shot specified in the "From Station" and "To Station" boxes. This search can be repeated so it will find multiple loops that contain the specified station.


3. Closing Shot. Compass keeps track of loops based on the "Closing Shot." This is the shot that first closes a loop and makes it a complete circle. This option searches for a loop that contains the closing shot specified in the "From Station" and "To Station" boxes.