Default Settings

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The Viewer has a large number of configurable features, options and settings. Since everyone using the program will have a different set of needs, the Viewer allows you to set the default configuration to match your preferences. For example, if you do most of your survey work in meters, the default configuration would be set to meters. This way, every time the program runs, it would be automatically set to metric units.


There are three options that are used to setup and control the default configuration.


1. Save User Defaults. This option saves the current configuration. Once a configuration has been saved, it becomes the default configuration whenever the program runs. To save the current configuration, select "Preferences->Defaults->Save User Defaults" from the menu bar.


2. Restore User Defaults. This options restores the default configuration that was in existence the last time you saved. It is used when you have made temporary changes, and you want to revert to your default settings. To restore the default configuration, select "Preferences->Defaults->Restore User Defaults" from the menu bar.


3. Use Factory Settings. This option returns the settings to the original configuration that was in effect when the program was first installed. This is often used when your default settings have gotten hopelessly confused as a result of many changes. To use the factory configuration, select "Preferences->Defaults->Use Factory Settings" from the menu bar. To make the factory settings the Default setting, you must use the "Save User Defaults" option to save it.


Settings Saved. Not every Viewer setting is controlled or saved by the default configuration option. Here is a list of the items that are saved with the default configuration


1. Fonts. This includes the size, style, color and face name of the font used for Station Labels, Station Elevation labels, Legend text, Quad Map labels, Depth Bar labels, and Grid labels.


2. Colors. This includes the color of various items in the cave plot including: Screen Background, Plot Lines, Passage Walls, Passage Wall Fills, Borders, Selection Box, Legend Foreground, Legend Background, Printer Background, Quad Color, Grid Color, Grid Background, Shadow Box, and Depth Bar.


3. Printer Configuration. This is the configuration of the printer used for cave plots. It includes: the Type of Printer, Paper Orientation (Portrait/Landscape), Plot Pen Width, Legend Pen Width, and Enabling Background color.


4. Tool and Status Bar Configuration. This item controls the way the Tool and Status bar are displayed. It controls if and how the bars are displayed.


5. Units. The option controls the scaling units for the plot. The options include Feet-per-Inch, Meters-per-Inch, Meters-per-Centimeter, and Ratio. Also included in this category are display units such as station elevation and measurement distances.


6. Refresh Mode. This options controls the way the screen is Refreshed. The options include Memory, Hidden and Plot.


INI Files. The configuration information for the Viewer is contained in a file called: "CAVEVW32.INI" The file is normally located in your Windows directory, (usually: C:). In some instances, this file can become corrupted and cause problems with the program. If this occurs, you can solve the problem by deleting the file. However, if you delete the file, all configuration information will be lost.