Using The Clipboard.

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The Windows clipboard can be used to cut, copy and paste information between fields in the database. It can also be used to cut, copy and paste information between programs. It is especially useful for memo and graphics fields.


Copy. The "Copy" option copies a data field from the database to the Windows Clipboard. To activate the copy option, select a cell in the grid by double clicking on it. (You must double click. Single clicking will highlight the cell, but double clicking selects the data and highlights just the text in the cell.) Now select the “Edit|Copy” option from the menu bar. You can also copy by type Control-C on the keyboard. This will move the highlighted data to the clipboard. Once an item of data has been copied into the Windows clipboard, it can be "Pasted" into another cell or into another program.


Cut. The "Cut" option is identical to the Copy option except the cell is erased after the data is copied. For this reason, you must have edit mode turned on to Cut. You can cut by selecting the "Edit|Cut" option from the menu bar. You can also copy by type Control-X on the keyboard.


Paste. The "Paste" option copies data from the Windows clipboard into one of the cells. Because this operation will change the cell, you must enable editing for the row. To paste, select one of the cells by double clicking on it. Then select the "Edit|Paste" option from the menu bar. You can also copy by type Control-V on the keyboard.


Memo Field. If you want to copy, cut or paste to or from a memo field, begin by selecting the field in the grid. Then click on the Memo Window at the bottom of the screen. If you are cutting or copying, be sure to highlight the text you want to copy or cut by dragging the mouse across it.


Graphic Field. If you want to copy, cut or paste from the a graphic field, begin by selecting the field in the grid. Then click on the graphic window at the bottom of the screen. You can now cut, copy or paste a graphic by using the options under the “Edit” item on the menu bar.