Database Field Types

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There are 16 different field types that can be used in your databases. The field type controls the type of information that can be used in the field. For example, a "Float" field hold floating point numbers, whereas "Strings" hold text information.


Compatibility Not all of field types are supported by all database types. For example, the "ASCII" database type does not support Graphics and Memos. Also, the "Word" data type is not supported by some common databases. Since CaveBase can be connected virtually any database, some of the more obscure types are included to insure compatibility.


1. String - Fixed length text data up to 255 characters.


2. Integer - Whole numbers in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.


3. Smallint - Whole numbers in the range -32,768 to 32,767.


4. Word - Whole numbers in the range 0 to 65,535.


5. Float - Real numbers with absolute magnitudes from 5.0*10-324 to 1.7*10308 accurate to 15-16 digits.


6. Currency - Currency values. The range and accuracy is the same as Float.


7. BCD - Real numbers with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point. Accurate to 18 digits. Range depends on the number of digits after the decimal point. [Paradox only].

8. Boolean - True or False values. Note: When you type a "True" or "False" value into a query, some databases require the words be enclosed in quotes.


9. DateTime - Date and time value.


10. Date - Date value.


11. Time - Time value.


12. Blob - Arbitrary data field without a size limit, sometime used to hold graphics.


13. Bytes - Arbitrary data field without a size limit.


14. VarBytes - Arbitrary data field up to 65,535 characters, with the actual length stored in the first two bytes.


15. Memo - Arbitrary length text.


16. Graphic - Arbitrary length graphic, such as a bitmap.