Database Navigation Bar.

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At the bottom of the grid is a group of buttons called the Navigation Bar. The buttons in the bar allow you to move through the data, modify the data, undo changes, delete row and insert new rows in the data. Each button performs a different task:




1. First Button. This button moves the data displayed in the grid to the very first row in the data.


2. Prior Button. This button moves the data displayed in the grid backward by one row.


3. Next Button. This button moves the data displayed in the grid forward by one row.


4. Last Button. This button moves the data displayed in the grid to the very last row in the data.


5. Insert Button. This button inserts an empty row in the grid at the current location.


6. Delete Button. This button deletes the current row in the grid.

7. Edit Button. This button allows the currently selected row of data to be edited. Note: this button will have no effect if editing is turned off. Also, if "Auto Editing" is enabled, the grid automatically enables editing when you begin to type.


8. Save Button. This button causes the changes you have made to the current row to be saved in the database.


9. Cancel Button. This button cancels all changes you have made to the current and restores the original data.


10. Refresh Button. This button causes the data in the data base to be redisplayed. It is used to verify that changes have been made to the data.