Moving to the Nearest Station, Origin or Center

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It is often useful to measure the distance and angles between survey stations. However, manually positioning one of the cursors right over the station can be difficult. It is even more difficult to position a cursor over a station in three dimensions. For this reason, the Viewer has a feature that moves the cursor to the nearest survey station.


Moving To Nearest Station. To move a cursor to the nearest survey station, press the "Near Station" button at the bottom of the window. This will move the currently active cursor to the nearest survey station. The operation sets the cursor to the three-dimensional location of the station. This is very useful for measuring the 3D distance between survey stations.


Moving To Center. As you pan and zoom through the cave, the measurement cursor may be lost off the edge of the screen. For this reason, the Viewer allows you to move the active cursor to the middle of the screen. To move a cursor to the center of the screen, press the “Center” button at the bottom of the window.


Moving To Origin. It is often useful to make measurements relative to the entrance of the cave. For this reason, the Viewer allows you to move the active cursor to the origin of the cave. The origin is the first station in the cave, which is usually the entrance. To move a cursor to the origin, press the “Origin” button at the bottom of the window.