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The follow options are available from the SVG Exporter Menu Bar.


Load/Save Settings. This option allows you to save and restore specific settings for a particular map. It saves the scaling, rotation, offsets, paper and margin sizes, and units used in the map. Most important of all, it saves the pattern of Surveys, Sections and Shots selected for use in the map.


To save this information, select the "File -> Save Settings" option from the menu bar. To restore the settings, select the "File -> Load Settings" option from the menu bar.


SVG Trees. To activate this option, select "View -> SVG Trees on the menu bar. The option display hierarchical trees of both the Source and Target files. It is mostly useful for debugging purposes. Click here for a more detail information.


Inkscape Converter. This tool allows you to convert file generated with Adobe Illustrator to Inkscape Format. To use this option, select " "Tools -> Convert To Inkscape Format" on the menu bar. Click here for more detailed information.


Station Tie-Ins. This tool enables you to tie specific survey station to a specific position on the paper. This allows you to keep the cave at the same position on the paper even if the cave grows or the passages are re-mapped over time. To use this option, select "Tools -> Convert To Inkscape Format" on the menu bar.. Click here for more detailed information.


Shot Select Tool. This tool allows you to automatically select Surveys and Shots for export or morphing. The tools allows you to select shots based on their depth or their position in the cave. It also allows you to select surveys based on the date they were surveyed. To use this tool, select the "Tools -> Shot Select" option from the menu bar.Click here for more detailed information.



Default Settings. You have the option of setting a default value for several of the settings in the Exporter. When you set a default, the program always comes up set to match your choices. Here is a list of the defaults that are saved:


Units. This item sets the Units value on the Pos/Scale Tab, which controls whether the program displays Meter or US Units.


Paper Margin. This items sets the widths of the paper margins. Since these are dependent on the printer you are using, it is useful to be able to set default values.


To use the current settings as the default, select the "Options -> Save User Defaults" item on the menu bar. To restore the user defaults select the "Options -> Get User Defaults" item on the menu bar.