Device Channels

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The embedded version of XPL has the standard eight device channels that are available in XPL for DOS. There are some minor differences between the DOS version and the embedded version. There are also two additional device channels, 9 and 10, that add extra capabilities.


DEVICE 0. Device 0 provides buffered keyboard input, and output to the simulated VGA text screen. Click Here for details.


DEVICE 1. Device 1 provides unbuffered keyboard input, and output to the simulated VGA text screen. Click here for details.


DEVICE 2. Device 2 provides access to any printer connected or networked to the computer. Click here for details.


DEVICE 3. Device 3 provides disk file access. Click here for details.


DEVICE 4. Device 4 provides access to any serial port of the PC. Click here for details.


DEVICE 5. Device 5 provides raw, unfiltered access to any printer connected or networked to the computer. Click here for details.


DEVICE 6. Device 6 provides unbuffered keyboard input, and output to the simulated VGA text screen. It is similar to device channel 1 except characters can be displayed in color with colored backgrounds. Click here for details.


DEVICE 7. Device 7 is the null device. It is used to discard unwanted output. For example, the compiler normally sends its output to a disk file, but if it detects an error, it diverts the output to this null device.


DEVICE 8. Device 8 is a circular buffer that can be written to and read from by any intrinsic that uses device channels. Click here for details.


DEVICE 9. Device 9 displays enhanced text on the simulated VGA screen. This provides pixel-level positioning of the text and full control over fonts and font attributes. Click here for details.


DEVICE 10. Device 10 sends text to a separate window for debug display. Click here for details.