Mechanism Display.
The far left-hand panel shows the mechanism. This is a simulated display of the
mechanism that draws the images. The display consists of two main wheels that
rotate. Depending on the mode of operation, it can also have two two secondary
wheels that rotate inside the main wheels. The secondary wheels rotate like
"planetary gears" inside the main wheels.

Finally, a set of "Arms' is attached to the wheels. The arms can be in a
Pantograph or T-Bar configuration. As the the wheels turn, the mechanism moves
through a complex motion. The position of the end of the arms determines where
the program draws the lines of the pattern. Inside each wheel is a circle with
an adjustable radius. A point on the circle is used as an attachment point the
arms for the secondary wheels. As the radius is adjusted, the relationship
between all the elements in the mechanism changes and different patterns are
drawn when the wheels turn.