The COMPASS CD-ROM contains all the programs and documentation that
are part of the complete COMPASS cave surveying software package.
This includes the Windows version of COMPASS, plus additional programs
such as CaveBase, CaveX, and the DEMReader. It also includes legacy versions
of COMPASS, which includes the COMPASS for DOS and all the DOS
based untility programs. The CD includes both the installation versions of the program and the unpacked,
ready-to-run versions. There is also a complete collection of all
COMPASS and cave surveying articles, and a complete copy of the current
version of the COMPASS web page. As a bonus there is a copy of XEDIT,
a replacement editor for the Windows Notepad that can be used to make emergency
repairs on COMPASS data file and which will not damage COMPASS
data files. In addition, there is a freeware Windows program that converts
SDTS format DEM files to a COMPASS compatible format. Finally,
the CD contains dozens of other files such as cave data, plots and DEM files
that are too large to post or download from the internet. The CD currently
includes 127 DEM files from 14 different states. (More are being added all
the time.) Currently, there are more than 600 megabytes of programs and
information for a total of nearly 422 files on the CD. Even if all this
information were on the internet, it would require a long time to download. The CD can save you money as well as time. If you are a new
COMPASS user you can save $36 by ordering the CD/Registration
Purchased Separately |
With CD-ROM |
Windows/DOS Registration |
$38.00 |
$0.00 |
Database Registration |
$20.00 |
$0.00 |
$28.00 |
$50.00 |
Totals |
$86.00 |
$50.00 |
Each CD-ROM is burned at the time the software is ordered. This means you
always get the latest versions of all the COMPASS software and support materials.
The CD-ROM is also updated with each new release of COMPASS and will include
more DEM files as I accumulate them.
One of the purposes of this CD is to provide you with a complete copy of
the entire COMPASS package that can be taken anywhere and used on
any computer with a CD-Rom Drive. The COMPASS CD is ideal for cavers
who are traveling because CDs are more durable than floppy disks and less
susceptible to damage from magnetic fields, airport X-Ray machines etc.
Credit Card Orders -
Click here if you wish to order the CD by credit