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Credit Cards and PayPal Information

The COMPASS credit card purchase program works through PayPal.  PayPal is a system for transferring money over the internet through credit cards, bank accounts and other methods. It  is more secure than other methods because no third party ever sees your credit card numbers or banking information.  Currently, they will accept Visa or Master Card and transfers from PayPal accounts.

Using PayPal. When you select a product to purchase, you simply click on the "Pay Now" icon to the right of the product. If you are not already a member of PayPal, they will ask you to register with them. The process is simple. In fact, it is no different from a normal credit card purchase, you just register your credit card and choose a password. After you have registered, you can buy from other PayPal sites by just entering your password. There are also lots of other useful PayPal features that could be particularly useful for people living overseas. For example, individuals can personally send or receive money through PayPal.

Troubleshooting. You  must have graphics enabled in your browser or you will not be able to pass one of the security measures that PayPal uses.  If you have  any other problems, let me know: Compass Contact Page

Setting Up PayPal Business Account. If you have a need to accept credit cards on your web page or transfer funds around the world, you can setup  your own PayPal business account. There are also other account categories that are very useful. For more information about PayPal accounts, click here or on the graphic below:

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

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