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Exclusions.  This complex option allows you to exclude parts of the cave from the line plot.
1. Complex Dialog Box. To use the Complex Plotting options, bring up the Complex Plotting Dialog Box by select the "Preference -> Complex Plotting" option from the Viewer Menu Bar.

2. Enable Complex Plotting. To enable Complex Plotting, click on the Enable Complex Plotting box at the bottom of the Options page. It should turn green when it is enabled.

3. Exclusions. In this example, we are going to use all the possible exclusions. To do this, check all the Exclusion options shown to the right. You can of course use any combination of exclusions you want.

4. Selecting Extents. The next step is to choose which part of the cave you want to exclude. We'll start with excluding based on the physical location of passages. You do this by selecting the "Exclude Extents" Page.

The page show a plan and profile view of the cave, along with 8 green lines. The green lines define the parts of the cave that will plotted and the parts that won't. You drag the lines with the mouse. If you have trouble seeing the passages in the cave, you can expand the window and zoom in using the Zoom Button at the bottom of the window. You can also set the position the North, South, East, West, Top and Bottom lines to precise, numerical values.


As you make changes, you can view those changes by pressing the "Show Changes" button

5. Exclude By Date. If you have selected the Date Exclusion option, you can select a span of dates that will be included in the plot. Just select the "Exclude Dates" tab and choose a Starting and Ending date. Only those passages that were surveyed sometime between the two dates will be displayed

6. Tilt And Depth Exclusion. In some situations, excluding passages by depth doesn't do exactly what you want.


For example, in some caves, the passages follow tilted layers of limestone. If you  exclude passages by depth alone, it will be very difficult to include or exclude the passages that you want.

To solve the problem, you have the option of angling the depth exclusion so it follows the tilt of the cave.

To activate the Tilting Option, select the "Cave Tilt" tab. In the "Tilt What" box, enable the "Depth Exclusions." Finally, choose a tilt angle. Refer to the help section for detailed information on finding the tilt of  the cave.

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