Shadow Box Images |
The Viewer now has a special option that allows you to display a "Shadow
Box" around the cave. With the Shadow Box options, the program draws a box
around the cave and mirrors the cave on the walls of the box. The option
makes it easier to see 3D aspects of the cave. The program gives lots of
options for controlling which walls are mirrored and the placement of the
Shadow Box Image of Lechuguilla Cave
Shadow Box Walls showing Grids. |
This image shows the gridding capabilities in the Shadow Box feature. Grids
can be placed on any wall of the shadow box. You have complete control over
the fonts, colors, line properties and spacing of the grid lines. You can
specify that a certain number of lines are used or that the lines are place
a certain number of feet or meters apart.
Lechuguilla Cave with a UTM grid superimposed. |
The Shadow Box walls can be removed leaving only the grids. This is useful
for showing UTM and other geographic grid systems. This image show Lechuguilla
Cave with a UTM grid superimposed.
Surface Modeling With The Shadow Box
Finally, the shadow box is useful to orient and accent terrain models.