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VI. Add A Mask Layer. This step allows us to create a mask for the passages. The mask is a an outline of the passages that has been filled with color. The mask allows you to separate the floor color from the passage wall lines.
Begin by making sure your passage outline is selected. Using the Node Tool, click on the passage wall lines.

A. Copy Passage Walls. You can tell if the passage walls are selected because dots will appear on each of the nodes. Now  choose the "Edit -> Copy" option from the menu bar. This will put a copy of the passage out line in the clipboard.

Next, turn off the "w2d_walls_shp" layer. You do this by clicking on the little "eye" icon so that it closes. When you do this, the passage wall lines you just drew should disappear.


B. Paste Passage Walls. Now find the w2d_Mask layer and click on it so it is highlighted. Also, make sure the layer is unlocked. Finally, select the "Edit -> Paste In Place" option from the menu bar. This will paste a copy of the passage wall lines into the w2d_Mask layer. The passage wall lines should reappear.

Note: it is very important that you use the "Paste In Place" option. The ordinary Paste will put the outline in the wrong place.

If you get an error when paste the layer, this is caused by a bug in Inkscape version 0.46. You should make sure you download Inkscape versions 0.47 or newer.
C. Remove Lines. We will now remove the passage wall lines while leaving only the fill color for the passage. This will form the passage floor color for your map.
 On the menu bar select the  "Object -> Fill and Stroke" option. The Fill and Stroke options will appear on the right side of the window.

Select the "Stroke Paint" page, then press the "X" button. This will remove the border from the passage walls leaving only the fill color.

(You can add all kinds of special effects to the mask fill color to make your maps more colorful. For this tutorial, we'll just leave it white.)

D. Remove Fill. The final step in making the mask is to go back to your passage walls layer and remove the fill color. This will make the interior of the passages transparent so that details on the passage floor will show through.
Turn off the w2d_Mask layer by clicking on the "eye" icon. The mask layer should disappear.

Now turn on the w2d_Walls_shp layer and highlight it to make sure it is selected. The passage wall line should now become visible.

Choose the Node Tool and click on the passage wall lines that are now visible.

Finally, select the "Object -> Fill and Stroke" option from the menu bar. Switch to the "Fill" page and then press button with the "X" in the middle.


This will turn off the fill option for the passage outline and the information from layers below the passage wall should show through. The image to the right shows how the map should look. The passage wall line should be displayed on top of the underlying layers.

If you don't see the underlying layers, turn on the cmp_tracing and cmp_sketchmap1 layers. You should see an image that looks similar to the one to the right.

You can now turn the Mask layer back on. Also, turn on the background layer

You should now see an image that looks similar to the one to the right. The mask gives you a background for drawing passage details.  Having a Mask as a separate layer makes your maps flexible. For example, you could make several copies of the mask and use each one for a different purpose. You could have a white mask for serious maps and a colored, gradient mask for multi-media presentations.


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